Emily Ratajkowski Decided That Today Was a Good Day To Spread Some Underboob Cheer
Atta girl! Tis the season to give boners, fa la la la la, la la la la. Ratajkowski wasn’t going to just sit over there on her hands while that slutboat Kim Kardashian was posting her fake ass all over the place. No way hosay. That’s not what Ratajkowski is about. She knows she’s the queen bee. She know Kim is just trying to stay hot while she’s really just a fatty with a kid and a photoshopped ass. If we are to properly rate these two girls, a 1-10 scale wouldn’t work. Ratajkowski is basically a unicorn. You can’t compare unicorns to wildebeests, even if that wildebeest is the best looking one in the herd (which she’s not anyway). Anyways, I digress. Less Kim Kardahsian, more Emily Ratajkowski, and that’s something we can all agree on. (PS: Yes, I sung the song outloud to make sure I typed the correct amount of la’s.)