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Dude Who Sold Minecraft Video Game For Billions Of Dollars Complains On Twitter About How Hard It Is To Be Rich

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CNBC- Being rich isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, according to Minecraft billionaire Markus Persson. In a series of tweets over the weekend, the video-game designer bemoaned the loneliness, isolation and lack of motivation that large wealth can create. “The problem with getting everything is you run out of reasons to keep trying, and human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance,” he tweeted. “Hanging out in ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I’ve never felt more isolated.” He also wrote that employees of his company “hate me now,” and that he found a “great girl, but she’s afraid of me and my life style and went with a normal person instead.” Media outlets around the world seized on the tweets, calling Persson depressed. The billionaire again took to Twitter on Monday morning to defend his comments, saying, “fwiw, while there are articles about my depression because I had a bad day and vented on a trend I saw, I’m sitting here having a nice day.” Regardless of whether his tweets were momentary venting or a sign of deeper malaise, Persson’s comments reflect some of the lesser-known downsides of a massive windfall, or “sudden wealth syndrome.”



Listen, do I believe this guy is having trouble adjusting to the fact that he now has more money than he knows what to do with? I absolutely do.  That’s gotta be super crazy and I can’t even imagine it.  You go from a normal guy to a guy who has all the money in the world and can do whatever he wants.  No matter what financial scenario you’re in there’s going to be issues. That goes for billionaires and poor people alike. Here’s the thing, we don’t want to fucking hear about his champagne problems.  We really don’t.  Those tweets make my blood boil with jealously.  “God damn it my life sucks.  I have so much money that I have to wait for my friends to work their stupid jobs so we can hang when they get off.  Oh and I can’t stop hanging out with famous people in Ibiza and it sucks blah blah blah.”  Dude shut up.  Poor people can complain because it’s relatable.  Almost everybody has been somewhat poor in their life at one time or another.  Misery loves company when it’s relatable.  But being a dude with a net worth of $2.5 billion isn’t relatable at all. Tell your shrink.  Tell your Mom.  Don’t tell your 2.5 million Twitter followers because almost all of them have no idea what you’re talking about and you come off like a whiny dude who could light stacks of hundred dollar bills on fire and still be fine. And in terms of losing that “great girl” well that’s tough but you’re worth billions of dollars. Finding another girl won’t be hard.


This is Ibiza by the way.  Man it must suck hanging out there.


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PS- Have you ever played Minecraft?  I’ve played it with my nephew and we’re the real victims here.  The game suuuuuuuuuucks.  I have no idea why kids like it.  You run around this land made of blocks and move shit around.  That’s literally it.  I played it for three hours and you don’t see me tweeting about how awful and boring it was.