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Today Was a Big Movie Day - The Name Of The New "Star Wars" Movie Was Announced, Followed By The News There Will Be a "Toy Story 4"

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BBC - The title of the new Star Wars movie has been revealed as The Force Awakens. The seventh instalment of the sci-fi saga is set about 30 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The film sees a new cast including Daisy Ridley and John Boyega joining original cast members Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. The announcement was made on the movie’s final day of production at Pinewood Studios, just outside London. Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been directed by J J Abrams, who successfully reinvigorated the Star Trek movie franchise in 2009, and is due to be released on 18 December 2015.


A big day if you’re a movie guy. Two of the biggest franchises in the world making big announcements.

First, Star Wars. Like most people, I’m a casual Star Wars guy. Seen the movies, think they’re ok, didn’t jizz my pants over this news today. However, it’s about the biggest news in the world right now. People LOVE Star Wars. They even forgive George Lucas for the monstrosity that was Episode 1, that’s how much they love it.

This Episode VII actually might end up being really good because I trust JJ Abrams with anything. The nerds will probably hate it because I have a pretty big feeling Abrams will make it a stand-alone movie…meaning it won’t cater as much to the nerds as it will to people who just like good movies, exactly how Christopher Nolan did the Batman movies. I never read a single comic book growing up, but Dark Knight was still the bees knees.


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EW - The Pixar chief who changed the animation game with his innovative use of computer technology in 1995’s Toy Story will return to the directing chair to make a fourth movie about the adventures of Woody, Buzz, and the gang, Walt Disney CEO Robert Iger announced Tuesday. The film is set to hit theaters in June 16, 2017, and in a somewhat surprising twist it will be written by Rashida Jones, formerly of NBC’s Parks and Recreation, and her screenwriting partner Will McCormack (who penned the 2012 indie romantic comedy Celeste and Jesse Forever.) The story was conceived, however, by the Pixar brain trust: Lasseter, Finding Nemo‘s Andrew Stanton, Up and Monsters Inc.‘s Pete Docter, and and Toy Story 3‘s Lee Unkrich.


Second, Toy Story. Pretty amazing how if you’re my age (26), you’ve grown up with these movies. I remember seeing the first one in theaters in 1995 and my mind was blown. Was unreal to see at the time. We’re so spoiled by Pixar now, but as a kid it was mesmerizing shit. Now the biggest news about this movie is it’s being written by Karen from The Office. Fucking Karen! Ann Perkins from Parks and Rec. Who knew she even wrote at all, nevermind being trusted with a movie from one of the biggest and most successful movie franchises of all time? This is insane shit, but I guess we have to trust them.