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More Proof The Mavs Completely Fucked Up The Luka Doncic Trade - They Are Refunding $2,000 To Fans Who Want To Cancel Season Tickets

Nothing and I mean nothing screams we made a great decision like having to refund season tickets to those trying to cancel. That's how you keep a fanbase united. Then again, I'd want my tickets refunded if my GM got swindled by a man wearing a jacket that looks like this: 

Who even cares that the Mavericks brought in Anthony Davis. I know people like to make fun of him, but the dude is good. There I said it. Anthony Davis is good at basketball, when he plays. But you still traded a 25-year old, face of your franchise that fans loved just because he liked to have some beer and may have been a bit tubby. That's job for life where I come from (Barstool). You think we're trading Dana Beers because he beat Ozempic? No. Absolutely not. 

It really is incredible just had bad Nico Harrison has been at this. 

I get you're trying to keep fans happy because it's a business, but this is the opposite. This feels like a 'yeah, we fucked up. Here's some money to stay quiet and happy' even though it's going the other way. Can't believe this team made a Finals a year ago, going to be one of the weirder things to look back on in 5 years. 

A lot of people think this is a move so the Mavs can relocate to Vegas. This is laid out as to why it can't happen: 


Diabolical either way. Every season ticket holder should go get a refund just for the story.