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It's Hard To Find Someone Who Loves D'Jais More Than This Kid

I know it's the dead of winter and the week of the Super Bowl and the last thing on everyone's mind is Summertime, except maybe Gaz who eternally plans his life around the summer, but this clip got sent to me no less than 40 times and I felt I had to write about it. 

For those who don't know, D'Jais is a bar down the Jersey Shore that is the most polarizing place in the country. You either love it or hate it no in between. KFC despises it because he can't dance and hates house music and fun in general for that matter. I grew up going to the clubs for teen nights so D'Jais was like a dream come true, and absolute wind tunnel of lunatics, dancing, hairdos, and characters all in a confined space. The goddamn best. 

I'm long since retired, and in my hay day I thought I loved the place. But my God does this kid put me to shame. Now I say this in the most endearing way possible. This kid is a mutant. Again that's a compliment. There's people who go down the shore, and go to the bars, and then there's people that live breath eat sleep shit the shore. This kid's one of them. Just by the looks of him he's had a shore house for 3 years longer than he should have, he spends every extra dollar he has on the weekends slamming Grails and eating at the snack stand absolutely obliterated, works a construction job his uncle got him where he spends all day in his group chat talking about D'Jais, and drives a car too expensive for him. Again, these aren't knocks. A tiger can't change his stripes. We need absolutel maniacs like this to exist to keep the spirit of the bars going. This kid LOVES the shore, and for that you can't ever knock the heart of the man in the arena. Without a doubt he saves up his vacation time all winter so he can bang out Fridays and Mondays every week in the summer and spend 5 days and nights at D'Jais spitting game to girls and throwing his drink across the room ... and for that sir we commend you. Legend. 

PS- always wear a v-neck ... I said what I said.