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America Is Too Casual

This is just one man's opinion but I don't love the current trend I'm seeing. 

Not sure how many of you were watching the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro Am this past weekend, but once again Jason Day's outfit made headlines. He showed up at Pebble like Scott Calvin when he started to get fat. 

Listen, I don't know if I will be in the minority, majority, or somewhere down the middle on this take but I personally don't love Day's choices of late. The one side of this is that Day is single handedly ruining the sport with his sartorial choices. The other side is that the old man golf world needs to lighten up and grow with the times. 

I am in the middle of that but I do think it speaks to a larger problem in America...more on that later. 

Let me get this out of the way - I think Day's clothing sponsor, Malbon, makes cool clothes that are different and in this world we don't need to conform. This isn't China. 

That said, I do think Day's choices are going a smidge too far because it is setting a bad precedent. That will annoy some people who think you should be comfortable on the golf course. Others support everyone dressing like Happy Gilmore. 

I don't disagree but I think with all the choices and advances in modern clothing, you can do both without looking like you're trying to sweat out some holiday weight. 

There are some in the "old man yells at cloud" golf crowd that will never change, evident by Day's wrist slap last spring. 

I didn't hate that because that vest was horrible but in today's America now more than ever, we need nuance. 

I do believe there are some scenarios and environments that require a certain level of decorum. ESPECIALLY with this dude lurking around every corner. If you see him in your mentions, just pack up shop and look for a cave to hide in for a few months because my guy is getting ready to bury you. I never want to be in his crosshairs. (If you're unaware of his work, consider yourself lucky. Mr. Guy, I love your work sir.)


The golf course is one of those forums. A courtroom is one of those forums. Let me ask you a question - if you committed an OJ, do you want your attorney to have on a nice fitting suit with his shoes shined or some dude who shows up in stained sweats? Come at me all you want, but appearances matter and we all know the correct answer.  

Somewhere over the last decade and certainly exasperated by the pandemic, we as a country got more comfortable being comfortable. We have to go back. There is a time and place for sweats. I love a good hoodie and joggers, but not at my golf club. That said, golf clothes these days all have stretch in them. Heck, even dress shirts are made of stretchy material now. You can be comfortable AND look presentable. 

This is in no way political but Sen. Fetterman makes my blood boil.

Come on, sir. You hold one of the highest offices in the land. Please show some respect. If you're in the camp of, "I like how he dresses because that's how I dress." Well, you're running errands at Home Depot, not helping govern the country. 

While we're at it, Tony wasn't wrong when he told that jamoke to take his hat off inside the restaurant. I say this as a bald, by the way. 


Maybe I'm old school. Maybe it's how I was raised. Maybe it's my background in the military. I'm not suggesting we go back to the Mad Men era of wearing a suit everywhere we go, but I don't think it's too much to ask to have some respect for ourselves as a culture. 

We can be comfortable while not looking like slobs. At the end of the day, I'm not telling anyone what to wear so much as I'm respectfully requesting we keep up our appearances. 

P.S. You're welcome to critique how I dress 

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