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Great Start To Super Bowl Week: Roger Goodell Had To Publicly Declare That Refs Don't Favor The Chiefs, Even Brought Up 'The Script'

You may remember the script: 

This isn't the first time Goodell has brought it up, but this is how you start Super Bowl week? You're out here having to clarify the NFL isn't rigged, there isn't a script and keep doubling down that the refs don't favor the Chiefs. That's sign number 1 you got a problem on your hands. I don't care if it's because of social media or the fact football is being talked about on the TV 24/7, people see how many dumb mistakes the refs make. It's obviously heightened when it's with the Chiefs and that's how you get to this point. Sure as hell doesn't help you're coming off the AFC title game spot situation and we still don't know why the one ref was overruled. Here's an idea, make refs answer questions and actually hold them accountable. Seem simple! 

You also can't end the answer by saying 'how do we make our officiating better?' 

But if this is something you have to talk about the week of the Super Bowl, shit is wrong. I'm a diehard Chiefs fan this week. Can't stand the thought of seeing the Eagles win and even dumber people saying how Saquon could have done this on the Giants. We have proof he couldn't. So, you know what, let's just wait for these sort of quotes until after the Super Bowl. But regardless, people all across the country are going to be ready to pounce the first questionable call. This is what happens when refs don't have accountability or we never get answers to simple questions. 

Can't have Goodell say this either. I don't care if he's the commissioner of the NFL, he's gotta be the one person no one trusts. Let someone else say it. Get someone on the Eagles to say this or someone else in the NFL office who people like. Goodell saying this is just going to lead to more speculation.