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Luka Doncic Had Reportedly Just Closed On A $15 Million Dollar House In Dallas And Cried When He Found Out About The Trade

Ron Jenkins. Getty Images.

When it comes to the Luka trade, I'm not sure there's any type of update that we could learn that would surprise me at this point. Whether it's from the team side or the Luka side, at this point everything is on the table. 

As a Mavs fan, I hate to say it, but every update continues to get worse and worse. We've covered Nico Harrison's insane roster-building plan, we covered how Rob Pelinka completely dominated those negotiations, and now comes the twist of the knife when it comes to the Luka side

I don't care how much money you have, dropping $15M on a house that you closed on last week only to then immediately be traded to LA is brutal. It shows you that this wasn't a case where Luka was unhappy and wanted out of Dallas. It wasn't a case where you weren't sure if he would sign his extension this summer and be a Mav longterm so you instead had to get out in front of that.

It was the opposite! He was invested in the community and the city. He obviously was ready to make Dallas where he spent his entire career, and instead, his idiot team decided to do something like this. It's honestly why you are seeing fewer and fewer players be loyal to an organization. If this can happen to Luka, it can happen to anybody. But when a player wants out he's always looked at as a monster. It's all very confusing.

Given his connection to Dallas, I tend to believe Chandler Parsons here. I'm sure he has contacts with guys that are still there, shit maybe even Luka himself. I mean, does this dude look happy?

Look at his eyes. That's a man who is hurting and trying his best to put on a happy face for his new fanbase. Considering how fast this all happened, who could blame him?

The lack of communication is what's crazy. Imagine how pissed you'd be in your life if you just closed on a house and then your job transferred you to another city without your knowledge or consent? That'd be fucked. The ink is barely dry on that paperwork and now what, you have to put it back on the market? What a hassle. Anyone who has gone through that process will tell you what a giant pain in the ass it is. I don't care if you have all the money in the world, being forced to go back through that again would annoy the shit out of me. How many buyers are there for $15M houses in Dallas? I know there's a ton of money there, but my guess is that thing isn't flying off the MLS quickly. The carrying costs on that thing must be insane.


It really does go to show you how far apart Luka and the Mavs were. One side thought everything was all good, the other side was secretly trying to get rid of him. Did no one on the Mavs know that Luka was about to buy this house? He never talked about it with teammates or coaches or anyone to the point where it might get back to Nico Harrison? I'm not saying you don't make a move because a player bought a house, but at the same time this is LUKA DONCIC. It's all just so bizarre. 

It's then no surprise that when you hear how Luka's Dad is now talking it all starts to become even clearer what a blindsiding trade this was

"I understand there comes a moment when you disagree with a certain philosophy," Sasa Doncic said, as translated by Arena Sport. "You don't like this or that player, all good -- I get it.

"But I think that exactly this secrecy, or should I say from some individuals, maybe even hypocrisy, this hurts me personally. Because I think that Luka absolutely doesn't deserve this."

"At least as I know, [Luka] sacrificed himself enormously -- and even all the stories now that someone is releasing that he wants to apologize for the things that they're doing," Sasa said. "I feel like this is very unfair from some individuals because I know that Luka respected Dallas a lot. He respected the whole city, helped children.

At this point, I'm not sure what we could learn about that would make this whole thing seem even worse, but you know it's coming.