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Woman With G-Cup Titties Is Going Viral For Calling People Out In Public Who Get Caught Looking At Her Breasts

Source - An Australian woman with a G-cup bust has called out strangers who repeatedly stare at her body, stating she has reached a “tipping point.”

Hannah Zaslawski, who became popular on social media thanks to her 50 first dates series, has let rip at those who gawp at her breasts after a recent experience in a shopping center.

During her outing, Ms. Zaslawski – who was wearing a singlet top – was on the receiving end of visible judgment from strangers.

Fed up, she whipped out her phone and recorded a PSA that she later shared online, which quickly went viral.

“Yes, this is my body. I have big tits. It’s just who I am. I’m not going to wear a high neck shirt everywhere I go,” she said in a TikTok video.

“Stop looking. If it offends you, don’t look!”

First of all, Hannah, I don't think anyone is looking at you because "they're offended." They're looking out of admiration. Maybe even awe. That, and just to call a spade a spade, the fact that your boobs are the size of basketballs. Again, not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not something that you see every day. That said, I do feel for ya sis. Men are disgusting and if I had to deal with them eye fucking me on a daily basis (a dream) my patience would run thin too. But it's not just the men...even the woman are giving her nasty looks...

She’s since told that it was the third time in three days she’d been on the receiving end of a disapproving look from an older woman due to her breast size.

“It just felt like a tipping point,” she said.

“As a woman who is well-endowed, I often face disapproving looks from older women or unwelcome attention from older men.”

“It’s frustrating because it’s not something I invite or encourage in any way. If a woman with a smaller cup size wore the exact same outfit, no one would bat an eye."

“But to the women who look at younger women with judgment, I want to say: It’s never too late to learn, grow, and adapt. Be proud of the women who are embracing their bodies and their freedom.”

Women not supporting women...can you believe that?! Hopefully the world comes around because I don't think I can take it anymore. All the hate, the anomosity, the judgement - it's insane. To quote the late great Rodney King..."can't we all just get along, big titties or not?"  Fingers crossed people start to leave Hannah alone and she can finally live her life in peace.