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This Stat Might (Not) Explain Why The Dallas Mavericks Traded Luka Doncic

Garrett Ellwood. Getty Images.

I felt it my duty to look into the stats for some sort of an explanation as to why the Dallas Mavericks traded Luka Doncic for a 2005 Dodge Ram and quite frankly this was the best I could come up with. Shoutout Michael Finley if he just wanted to protect his 5th place franchise points standing. 

Seriously though, everyone is trying to figure out why not shop Luka if you were done with him being fat and uninterested in putting any effort in being not fat. Greenie shed some light on this possibly being a help-a-homie deal between Nico Harris and Rob Pelinka - who are friends. If that's the case, some other owners out there are going to need to hit "veto trade" on their Yahoo Not Fantasy Basketball League app. 

The fact that all this went down late on a Saturday night is pretty funny too. Let he who never accepted a bad fantasy trade waiting for their tab as the lights turned on at the bar cast the first stone. These things happen. I will say this though, it's going to be a lot more fun hating the Lakers now. If there's two NBA players that are as talented and amazing to watch while also being as insufferable as possible, it's LeBron and who I shall now refer to as LeLuka. 

I'm 100 percent rooting for the Mavericks to win it all this year now. I need to see Nico Harris' face on both ends of the Dunning Kruger spectrum meme. But if he really gave it to us straight and this all went down because Luka is abhorrent at defense, it could potentially shift the way GMs feel about how to win championships. And sure, Luka took them to the Finals last season, but they had no answers defensively for the Celtics. Probably more likely that the Lakers win it all and this dream turns into a nightmare, but I'll enjoy the hell out of watching it play out. 

PS - If the conspiracy theorists are right and this was Adam Silver trying to pump ratings despite the fact that no sane Mavericks owner who likes revenue would ever agree to be the pawn in that, kudos to you. I'm all ready to sports hate watch the Lakers in May.
