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Let's Go To Dallas And See How Mavs Fans Are Handling The Luka Trade

Honestly that feels about right. I get that comparing a basketball trade to a Presidential assassination that made the world stand still and shook an entire generation to its core feels like a lot. But people forget that fan is short for fanatic and these fanatics had their JFK moment last night. Hell, my head felt like it was going to explode when I woke up to see the news despite having no allegiance to either team. 

So I appreciate these fans giving us that pure reaction and think we need more of this in sports. Whenever a massive sports story breaks, you can read the impacted fans' tweets or even go on their subreddit if you really want to be a sicko to mainline their sadness uncut to the gut. But I almost feel like a group of diehards need to go to the stadium and just unleash their unfiltered thoughts so we can see how they truly feel. That should happen for both good news and bad, which leads to us seeing things like a Mavs fan who has already begun his transition to purple and gold as his fandom follows Luka to LaLaLand.

It also appears that the good people of Dallas have started up their own memorial for the Luka Era and their Mavs fandom.


After seeing stuff like this, I'm honestly amazed that I never once even thought of giving up as a Knicks fan during the 20 year stretch of hell. Granted I didn't have a homegrown perennial MVP candidate who just led his team to the Finals ripped from my team while he was 25. But I also didn't have any real happiness in my life as a fan outside of a couple Melo seasons and the Linsanity run, all which ended abruptly with nothing to show for it.

Speaking of the Knicks, to all the Mavs fans that taunted me when my beloved Godzingis to Dallas for a bunch of rubbish, now that your old backup point guard has become the savior of my Knicks and the face of your franchise is now set to become the next great Laker, I consider the debt paid.

Giphy Images.

P.S. This is just some old fashioned good #ThisLeague tweeting from Devin Booker.