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Always Be Recruiting: Bill Belichick Is Apparently Buying Pizza For The UNC Frats During The Duke/UNC Game Tomorrow

People were out here worried that Bill would struggle with recruiting? Nope. This is recruiting 101. You start by recruiting your own fanbase. You know what people love, especially college aged people? Free food. Belichick getting pizza delivered to frats is an obvious move to win everyone over. Boys getting together for a UNC/Duke game, even if UNC fucking stinks, they want some pizza. Here comes Coach Belichick delivering it all. 

This is a play right out of the Eric Musselman playbook. He was famous for doing stuff like this at Arkansas. He'd show up at frats, spend some time with the boys and next thing you knew he had Arkansas in the Elite 8 with a fanbase behind him. You don't think Belichick checked around the country to see what worked with new coaches? This is a man who will waste no steps when it comes to finding an advantage. 

The next step isn't even winning games. He's gotta find a way to get the boys some beer for the game. UNC is at Cameron, not like the guys at the frat house can go to the game. You need to set them up to stay there, maybe even sit down and have a slice. Find out who they know who could be in the portal from other schools. You never know who people know on campus. Everyone at UNC is ready to turn on Hubert Davis because it's UNC basketball and they are going to miss the Tournament again meanwhile Belichick wins them over with pizza. Smart move.