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The Newest Look At Happy Gilmore 2 Dropped And This Time We Have The Bruins Sweater, Tour Championship And Bad Bunny As The Caddie

We keep getting a little bit of news on Happy Gilmore 2. We had the announcement that Shooter and Virginia are back in it. We had golfers come out and say they have cameos. We had Travis Kelce say he's in it and saw him in the trailer. We did know Bad Bunny would be in it somehow, we now know what. 

He's apparently Happy Gilmore's caddie and what looks to be the Tour Championship. First off, we gotta know what happens to the original guy. The first caddie (Allen Covert) was key to the greatness of the original.

Every single person who has played a round of golf has used the 'no, no you're just wearing one shoe' line at some point in their life when talking about breaks in a putt. Just the perfect secondary character. But now we have Bad Bunny on the poster here wearing that red bib? I don't know man, he can do it all apparently so I'm not going to doubt him. 

Oh and he dated Kendall Jenner. 


Quick Kendall Jenner halftime pictures so y'all are happy


And back to Happy Gilmore 2

I said it before and I'll say it again. Just be entertaining and somewhat funny. That's all we're looking for here. It doesn't need to be some masterpiece. Happy Gilmore has lasted 30 years because it's funny. I don't expect it to get to the point of that, but make me laugh a few times, entertain me for 90ish minutes and it's fine. I don't even care if they play the hits from the original. 

I am curious how this movie goes about in the terms of bringing it up to date and is it just going to be regular golf again? We only have a few looks so far and it seems that way, but that trailer part with Shooter says a lot. They gotta ignite the rivalry and end as friends, that seems like the no-brainer here. Again, just don't suck. That's all I really am hoping for here.