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This Poor Lady Got Thrown Out Of A Luke Combs' Concert For "Dancing Too Hard" And It's Bullshit

I know Covid kinda broke Australia's brain, and they almost went full-police state, but this is just too much. 

What the hell is this Brisbane? Footloose? 

"Dancing too hard" at a concert? What the hell would you like exactly? Everybody to sit there with their hands folded politely on their laps, waiting to applaud at the end of each song? Like its a 3rd grade recital? 

I guarantee if Luke Combs had seen this going down he would have put a stop to it. Probably would have invited the woman (real name: Jolene. No joke) on stage to bust a move up there for everybody to see. This is exactly the kind of energy you want to see out in the crowd. The world needs more of this. Not less. 

Clean it the fuck up Australia.


h/t I saw this on Whiskeyriff originally so shout out to them for catching.