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What Are "Work Hours"?

I’m sure this blog will go well for me.

What are "work hours"? At Barstool, they don’t exist—this job is 24/7, 365. That said, if you asked the average person what a typical workday looks like, most would probably say 9 to 5. Of course, not everyone follows that schedule—I’ve worked jobs that started at 6 a.m. and others that ran from 10 to 6. But generally speaking, 9 to 5 is the consensus.

With that in mind, today marks 30 days of no booze and no drugs for me. I’ve also been working out twice a day for the past month because, at 25, I was tired of looking like a bag of milk. So, I posted a progress pic. While I got a lot of positive feedback, there will always be assholes. I’ve been in social media long enough to ignore most of it, but some of the ignorance was too much to let slide. Comments like, "Easy to do when all you do is work out all day" or "You don’t even do anything at work, what else do you have to do?"

That’s simply not the case.

I don’t work out during what you might call the "prime hours" of the day. I’m not throwing weights around when the office is at its peak. My workouts are from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., and my second session is around 4:30 or 5 to 6 p.m. There are no set hours here—it’s just the routine I’ve built.

So, to hear people say I sit around all day and do nothing but lift? That’s flat-out bullshit. And the idea that if you’re not one of the top dogs at the company, you’re not contributing? Also bullshit.

I know I’m not as established as some of the biggest names here, but that doesn’t mean I—or others without massive brands—aren’t busting our asses.

I’ll just leave it at that.