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The Eagles Have Opened Up The Practice Window For Brandon Graham To Comeback And Get One More Strip Sack In The Super Bowl

Mitchell Leff. Getty Images.

Well it looks like this blog I wrote in late November could turn out to be yet another case of FAKE NEWS. 

Brandon Graham tore his bicep just two months ago. He had just overtaken 3rd place on the Eagles all-time career sacks list as the Eagles were beating the wheels off of the Rams. 

36 years old. Already a Super Bowl champion once in his career. I'm sure Brandon Graham had already accomplished everything he set out for in his career. So after tearing in tricep in week 12, it seemed highly improbable that he'd ever step onto the field in an Eagles jersey again. Legitimately the only way it would be possible is if 1) Brandon Graham is one of the biggest bad asses on the planet who could heal at superhuman speed, and 2) for the Eagles to make their season go as long as possible and add a game in February to their schedule. 

And now here we are. February 9th will be 11 weeks since Brandon Graham tore his tricep in LA. It takes most mortals somewhere around 4-6 months to fully recover from that injury. But for Brandon Graham, he at least has a chance to be running out of that tunnel in his pads and a helmet at the Super Bowl. 

What a way to go out this would be for one of the best to ever wear an Eagles uniform. BG has always been the heart and soul of the Eagles. He's as big of an energy guy as you could ever ask for. Whether it's on the field, on the sideline, in the locker room, on the radio. This man never stops talking, and firing up everyone around him. So who knows what percentage Brandon Graham will be healthwise once the Super Bowl rolls around. But for him to even be in a uniform at practice leading up to the game, that's going to be a massive emotional advantage for the Eagles heading down to New Orleans. 

And if he's even remotely healthy enough to make a difference on the field on February 9th? Well that is awful news for Patrick Mahomes. 

Because for the longest time, teams always had to worry about leaving "too much time for Tom Brady". No lead was safe when Tom Brady had the ball in the 4th quarter, especially if that lead was just one score. It was almost inevitable that he would march the Pats down the field, get the necessary points on the board, and New England would get out of there with a win. Unless, of course, you had a Tom Brady killer. 


Now the thing that teams around the NFL have to worry about is leaving "too much time for Mahomes". No lead is safe when Patrick Mahomes has the ball with a little bit of time left on the clock. But if Brandon Graham could do it once to at least put a pause on a dynasty, he can do it again. We always talk about the NFL being scripted. What better script could the league possibly follow than for Brandon Graham to return from a torn tricep at the age of 36, just to pull off one more game-winning strip sack in the Super Bowl to close out his career?

