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Skell Of The Week: This Guy Inexplicably Moving A Bench Across The Court During A Fast Break Deserves Jail Time

Holy hell! What the hell did I just watch. Listen I've seen a lot of shit in my day in youth sports. Teams show up with mismatched jerseys, no one knows how to do the book, insane parents, bad layup lines, irate coaches, you name it. The one thing that always drove me the most mental was having to chase kids off the court in between quarters or during timeouts. Timeouts were the worst. Remind you in most youth CYO games timeouts are literally a minute, minute 30 MAX. So having 14 little squirts come running on the court with 14 basketballs that they heave from their hips like Mantis (no disrespect), is a NIGHTMARE.

But in all my years of reffing or on gym duty, I have NEVER seen something this egregious. What the fuck is this guy thinking? He's not running across the gym with a water, he's not trying to get across quick to have a seat, he's moving a damn bench. This requires time, and you know A CLEAR FUCKING PATH. Has this guy never seen a basketball game before? Did he not look? Does he not care? Also where was that bench so urgently needed? Was there a gaggle of pregnant women or elderly folks who needed a seat? Doubtful. The game already started Cheech, figure it out at halftime. My God.

And worst of all, what does he do AFTER he gives this kid what looks like permanent knee damage? HE KEEPS FUCKING WALKING !!! No "Hey Johnny sorry I mashed your knee up." No "Hey man you okay since you know I absolutely DESTROYED your ACL,MCL,PCL,AND ASPCA for God's sakes." None of that. What an asshole. At least see how the kid is doing if your going to be a moron walking a bench across the court. Ban this guy for life.