Woman Gets Charged In The First Ever "Cyber-Farting" Case After Relentlessly Sending Multiple Videos Of Herself Farting To Her Boyfriend's Ex

Source -- A 25-year-old woman in the UK has pleaded guilty in a court case described as the first of its kind involving 'cyber-farting.' The woman, Rhiannon Evans, was ordered to pay nearly £300 after admitting to sending videos of herself passing gas to her boyfriend’s ex-partner. The court also sentenced Evans to a 12-month community order along with a two-year restraining order.
The videos caused Prytherech distress and anxiety, leading her to contact the police. Prosecutor Diane Williams stated that the videos were considered "indecent or grossly offensive." Describing one of the clips, she said, “She proceeds to pass gas by placing the camera on her bottom and passing the gas.” Over a span of days, Evans sent multiple similar videos, each showing her smiling at the camera while passing wind.
Alright so here's the deal. I don't want to come as as being sexist here. I certainly don't want to be labeled as misogynistic. But at the end of the day….girl farts just aren't funny. They're gross. Chicks don't fart.
There's no such law against "cyber-farting" amongst a couple of bros. That just falls under the category of guys being dudes. Even if there was malicious intent behind it, if one dude continuously sent another dude videos of him ripping ass over an extended period of time, it would be a hilarious prank. I bet at some point, they'd even become bros throughout the whole ordeal.
But there are certain things that women just can't take from men, and expect it to still be funny. Ghostbusters and farting are the big two. It's 2025. Girls can be funny. I get that. But a chick recording herself ripping cheeks? Well that just crosses a line. Something about it just feels criminal to me, and I'm glad a court of law agrees.
With that all being said, I think we actually need to see the videos in order to pass final judgement. Maybe I'm just being ignorant here, and maybe girl farts have a chance of being equally funny to guy farts. I find it hard to believe, but I'm at least willing to remain open minded here. Release the videos!
P.S. -- Tough break for this dude, huh? There's always a way you can try to convince yourself that you won a breakup. But when your new girlfriend gets charged for sending your ex videos of herself practically shitting her pants to a point where it becomes harassment? You lost that breakup 11 out of 10 times.