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Watch This When You're High- The Mysterious Plum Island

During today's confirmation hearing for RFK Jr., the topic of Lyme Disease came up, and with it, the mention of Plum Island, NY. 

Social media went crazy, with one of the hosts from one of my favorite podcasts, "Breaking Points", Saagar Enjeti chiming in-

According to google- Plum Island is a small, government-owned island situated off the northeastern tip of Long Island, New York. Officially, it has long hosted the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC), a federal research facility dedicated to studying and preventing infectious animal diseases, particularly those that could threaten U.S. livestock industries. Over the decades, however, the island and its laboratory have been shrouded in speculation, giving rise to an array of rumors and conspiracy theories.

From what I've read before, and seen in videos, some of what Stranger Things was based on, besides, MK Ultra and The Montauk Project, were some of the creatures and shit that was grown in the PIADC on Plum Island. 

Some of these videos are nuts. 


Keep the suggestions coming. Keep them classy. No butt stuff.