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The Same Paul George Who Trashed The Pacers Organization On His Way Out Is Upset The Pacers Haven't Given Him A Tribute Video

Sports Illustrated - "I'm not sure,"  when asked why he hasn't received a tribute from the Pacers. "We were joking with the guys, and they were like, you know, 'Do you still get a tribute video when you go to Indiana?' I was like, 'I've never gotten a tribute video since I've been going back to Indiana and that was eight years ago.' It does, you know, it sucks. I think the way things played out still holds a grudge to them and they don't realize the great runs we had in the time I was there."

Paul George might love revisionist history as much as he loves himself. Yes, this is a guy who lead Indiana to back-to-back ECF appearances, and delivered the franchise from mediocrity limbo - a time where the only thing Pacers fans could find joy in was Danny Granger stuffing the stat sheet and Jeff Foster being a white guy. If it wasn't for the Heatles Big 3 buzz saw - George could have been the guy who finally lead the Cers to a title. BUT, let's not forget how this whole relationship ended. PG told Indiana he wanted to be a Pacer forever, the next Reggie Miller, then a couple of days later publicly demanded a trade, letting the whole world know he wasn't about to stay in Indy, thus screwing the franchise by tanking his value. 

This is like affectionately looking in the love of your life's eyes, telling her that you're so glad she took a chance, putting her faith in a guy like you. Then whispering softly into her ear that you can't wait to live out the rest of your life with an undying devotion to her. BUT, then you show up to the house after work a few days later while she's in the middle of her weekly book club, and in front of all of her friends demand a divorce after telling her you could do better than her frumpy small town ass, you should be out in Hollywood getting blown by models and movie stars. THEN, years later as you're sitting around with some old friends from the neighborhood you ask everyone "You know, when my birthday rolls around that BITCH doesn't send me a card, or even text. Kind of fucked up, don't you think? After all I did for her?" 

I understand sports are a business, and I can't really blame any millionaire super star who would want to leave Indiana for a big market, and I wouldn't completely hate PG if he lied about wanting to stay, then left. BUT ruining your value because you are a petty self seeker is what bothers me about this whole thing. Then in true narcissist fashion having zero self awareness by wondering why this fanbase hates his guts and he doesn't get a tribute video. I know PG has said we don't know what happened between him and the front office, and he's right, I'm sure Bird wasn't completely clean in this whole situation, but PG acts like he did nothing wrong. Victor Oladipo did the same thing where he denied all rumors that he kept asking players if he could come play for them, and then on podcasts would trash the organization, only to wonder why he doesn't get more respect from the Indy fanbase. It sucks the last two stars in Indiana have been petty ego maniacs with zero self awareness, but luckily for this fanbase Haliburton seems like a humble kid from the midwest. I say give PG his tribute video, but it's a clip of him demanding he should take the final shot followed up by a highlight reel of all the final shots he's missed. Or, maybe just a tribute to the time he got cat fished into sending dick pics to a dude.