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It Is Impossible To Give Less Of A Fuck About Another Person's Car Than This Bus Driver

We all know my experiences with long distance buses. Last year I had to take a bus from NYC to Chicago as a justified punishment. It was an absolute bear. Just as miserable an experience as you can get. The cast of characters on the bus and the overall experience was just hell. I was afraid of falling asleep (because that's how i got in trouble in the first place) at fear of someone shanking me, I was afraid to go to the bathroom in fear of leaving my bad to be sold off for drugs, and I was afraid to talk to people because they just straight up scared me. 

Not all my experiences on buses like this were bad, taking them back and forth to college when you had no car and wanted to get home on a weekend was super reliable. But it's officially last year scarred me. And to top it off this year may be worse. 

Anyway, let's break down this video. It is absolutely impossible for a driver to give less of a fuck here. 5am on a tight street and a car is parked a little too far away from the curb, what does he do? Does he get out and see if he can move a little to the other side? Does he try to ask the passengers on his bus to help maybe shift the car over? Or does he decide "Fuck this guy" and destroy the car by scraping up against it and drive down the street? The last one is clearly the correct answer and i can't believe it. 


How is this legal? How can this guy decide to absolutely destroy a guys car and just keep moving? It's also such a scumbag move to do it at 5am hoping no one will see it, (but as he should have expected camera phones are rolling at all times of the night). He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew the driver would come out and just think some idiot sideswiped him in the middle of the night, and have no way of proving it. Just an all time scumbag move. I hope for the driver's sake there's a way to identify this bus and the company picks up all the damages. Justice must be served.