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Fight Breaks Out When Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard and Her Boyfriend Attacked An Activist Who Insulted Her at a Community Meeting

DAILYMAIL - America's 'worst mayor' joined a chaotic brawl that erupted at a town meeting after an activist called for her removal.

Tiffany Henyard, the mayor of Dolton village in Illinois and supervisor of nearby Thornton Township, thrown to the floor in a tussle Tuesday night that broke out after her boyfriend rushed to defend her honor.

The saga began when activist Jedidiah Brown, a frequent critic of Henyard, took to the podium and launched an aggressive tirade at the mayor that ended with him calling her a 'b***h'.

Brown accused Henyard of 'sleeping her way to the top', being a 'half-a**ed mayor', and even suggested she would never get married, ABC7 reported.

He then asked the room to vote on a measure to place Henyard's boyfriend Kamal Woods and ally William Moore on paid administrative leave from the town, before ending his comments by saying: 'You gone, b****!' 

'Thank you for the lawsuit,' Henyard hit back, as Brown began to walk away.

But before he could return to his seat, Woods - who allegedly made six figures to run the township’s at-risk youth program before getting ordered on paid leave - charged at the activist. At least one other man stepped in to the fracas and the massive brawl broke out.

The brawl is the latest scandal embattling Henyard and comes one day after an independent investigation detailed how she allegedly mismanaged millions of dollars worth of taxpayer funds during her controversial tenure as Dolton mayor.

I have been waiting what seems like a year to blog about Tiffany Heynard. Granted, she has given us a plethora of ammo and material, it's just all been so ridiculous there would be no other way to frame a blog other than to make it political. A big no-no around here. We're a comedy website. Not Politico. 

Well late last night, at a township meeting, the blog gods gifted me, (us really), a meatball, right down the pike. 

Do you know what it means to be nicknamed, "The Worst Mayor in America"? 

Really think about what exactly that implies. 

Look around the country- Chicago, LA, Philadelphia, Boston- there are some really atrocious mayors out there. For Mayor Tiff in little old Dolton, Illinois- population roughly the size of your average community college- to hold that title would be like the Dunkin Donuts on the Mass Pike rest stop winning three Michelin stars for their breakfast menu. 

It's so impressive a feat you have no choice but to respect it.

Tensions in this Chicago suburb have been simmering for months over accusations that Mayor Henyard has been playing fast and loose with taxpayer money- think crazy credit card bills charged to the city, questionable Vegas trips (charged to the city), and a budget that went from “Hey, we’re in the black!” to “We might need to start a GoFundMe.” 

Oh, she also got caught putting her friends, family, and boyfriend all on the city payroll for 6-figure jobs.


Residents have been pretty pissed off for months now. There have been calls to recall Heynard, political exposé after exposé, including a documentary on everything she's alleged to have done. 

Mind you, she's only been in office since 2021. 

I told you, impressive. 

Things finally came to a head last night. This fiasco took center stage at a recent town board meeting, usually the kind of event that’s a perfect cure for insomnia. But Tuesday night’s meeting exploded into chaos. 

Enter Jedidiah Brown: local activist, mayoral heckler, owner of an amazing name.


This guy straight-up told Henyard, “You gone, bitch,” which are fighting words no matter where you are. 

Cue Henyard’s boyfriend, a guy named Kamal Woods, who literally launched himself at Brown. 

Next thing you know, we’ve got fists flying, people climbing on tables, TVs getting bashed like we’re at a Black Friday stampede. And, oh yeah, the mayor herself, because nothing screams political responsibility more than jumping right into the thick of a brawl. 


And this poor resident, stunned to say the least.

Witnesses say she lost her wig, lost a shoe, and got tossed around like she was auditioning for a cage match. By the time the cops showed up, the main players had all magically vanished,

But wait, this story gets even better. Because you will never guess who is involved. 

Kamil Krzaczynski. Getty Images.

No. Not joking. 

You can't make this stuff up. 

Former Chicago Mayor Lightfoot was appointed to investigate what in the fuck is going on over in Dolton. And turns out, on Monday she released a 73-page report that basically claims Henyard’s been playing “Swipe or No Swipe?” with village credit cards.

NBC Chicago - Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot delivered her final summary of the investigation into possible mismanagement of the village of Dolton's funds by Mayor Tiffany Henyard on Monday night.

With the investigation complete, the former mayor said she hopes the small village will right the ship – and get back to transparency and good government.

Monday's meeting at the Dolton Park District was packed with eager residents waiting to hear the results.

"I'm happy that the report is out, so residents know the truth," said Minister Deborah White, a Dolton resident.

"Still shocked that this happened and that the government didn't step in," added another resident, Valerie Williams.

Lightfoot said she used witness testimony - emails and other documents - for her probe.

With no subpoena power - she said she ran into some challenges, but still managed to get the job done. Henyard did not attend the meeting.

Lightfoot was tasked with looking into allegations of irregularities regarding financial mismanagement.

Here are some of her key findings:

- Credit card expenditures never approved and no receipts

- More than $170,000 in travel-related costs from 2021 to June 2024

- $51,000 spent at area restaurants

- More than $218,000 for Amazon purchases made with village credit cards from Jan. 2021 through June 2024

- One of the largest purchases was almost $50,000 in supplies for the village’s skating rink

- A $5.61 million surplus plummeted to a $3.65 million deficit in under two years. 

Regarding two trips taken to Las Vegas, Lightfoot said no business opportunities came to the village as a result. She also said the mayor’s ex-assistant, who said she was assaulted by a trustee on the 2023 trip, didn’t cooperate with her investigation, nor did any other key witnesses.

(Sidebar- where is Governor Pritzker while all this goes on in his state?)

Not only is Henyard the mayor of Dolton, she’s also pulling down big bucks as Thornton Township Supervisor. 

Local media pegged her combined salary at around 224k, (nice work if you can get it, right?) 


Meanwhile, social services in the area have been, shall we say, “spotty,” which is a polite way of saying a bunch of residents were recently left without coverage because the town’s insurance situation went off a cliff.

After the meltdown in the meeting, folks are rightfully asking if there are gonna be any repercussions. Lightfoot’s big investigation calls for “more transparency,” which feels like the political equivalent of saying "this time is different".

When you think things can't get any lower or more embarassing, the mayor launches herself into a fight like Rey Mysterio at a small town board meeting. 

For Dolton residents who want accountability, the best hope might be the upcoming elections, a further emboldened Lightfoot, and/or the FBI. 

In the meantime, the rest of us can only watch from a distance, mouth agape, wondering if we truly are witnessing the single most entertaining local government fiasco in the entire country.

“America’s Worst Mayor”? Based on the last few months, and that cage-match of a meeting last night, I’d say Tiffany Henyard definitely has a strong case for the crown. 

The Netflix doc on her in a few years is going to be amazing.