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Maybe Jerry Jones Just Wants A Glory Hole Put Into The Cowboys Facility, Because He Can't Stop Talking About Them

We've all done it before. There's something that you really want, but you don't feel comfortable just flat out asking for it. So you start to dance around it, doing things like "casually" mentioning it in conversation in hopes that someone will pick up the hint and get it for you. 

That is Jerry Jones and glory holes. The man simply cannot stop talking about them. 

He might be old and senile, but Jerry knows exactly what he's doing here. The man controls every single decision that goes on at Jerry World. Hiring coaches, signing free agents and contract extensions, what's for lunch that day, when employees are able to go home and see their families. There's nothing that goes on in that place without Jerry's fingerprints being all over it. 

But he can't install a glory hole into his own bathroom. That would just be a little too obvious. So he wants someone else to go in there and cut one out for him. That way he can act "surprised" when he finally has a glory hole of his own. I mean this poor bastard has now had to find a way to work "glory hole" into an interview on 3 different ocassions. When are one of his people going to finally pick up on the hint?

Jerry Jones is old as shit. He's just looking for a little excitement in his life. He doesn't give a damn who is on the other side of that hole. There ain't nothing gay about getting your pecker sucked. 

By the way--the media down in Dallas are all a bunch of cowards. How has nobody followed up with a question about what Jerry Jones thinks the term "glory hole" means? He's either hinting at the fact that he wants one cut into the bathroom, or one of his grandkids decided to fuck with him one day. 
