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Quentin Tarantino Continues To Be A Big Ol Weirdo About Making His Final Movie

Quentin Tarantino is still dead set on his next movie being his last, but said he's "in no rush" to get into production on it during a surprise appearance at Sundance this week - adding that he's actually working on a stage play right now. He says if that play is "a fucking smash hit", it could turn into his final feature. 

I don't want to jump to any conclusions here, but I do remember Tarantino teasing an all-black 'Reservoir Dogs' reboot a few years back that he claimed he was thinking about turning into stage play....and I don't think it was the first time he showed interest in turning his directorial debut into a play either. Could this be what he was talking about this week? Maybe if the 'Reservoir Dogs' play is the "smash hit" he wants it to be, he's gonna bookend his career with a remake of his first film?

Obviously Tarantino has earned our trust enough to see anything he puts out at this point, but if my guess is correct - I don't think I'd like it. It'd be a cool exercise to show how much he's evolved as a filmmaker, but if he's only got one more movie left in him, why do one you've already done? Just speaking personally, 'Reservoir Dogs' is my favorite movie of his and I couldn't see him (or anyone else) outdoing that story with a remake over thirty years later.

Here's my issue, and the crux of this blog, though: Tarantino's next movie doesn't HAVE TO be his last! Nobody is forcing him to close up shop! He's got it in his head that he's gotta walk away from filmmaking after directing ten films, and while that is sort've admirable in the sense he wants his movies to maintain their must-see/major-event-feel and amazing quality - but this imaginary rule is robbing us of Quentin Tarantino projects just because he's being ultra picky on what his final piece of cinema will be!

If he wasn't being so weird about it, we'd probably have that weird R-rated 'Star Trek' movie he wanted to make by now!

Maybe his latest film that fell apart - titled: 'The Movie Critic' - wouldn't have fallen apart! I'm not necessarily saying he should just rush every idea he thinks of into production, cranking out subpar movies for the sake of it - but god damn! What's with the ten-film rule?! Why not give us a dozen? Or a baker's dozen? Are we to believe if he gets the best idea he's ever had after his tenth movie is all said and done, he's not gonna do it, because he swore an oath to himself that he was retired?! C'mon now.

I was going to end this blog by saying, "Stop being a weirdo, QT!" - but you and I both know that's not gonna happen. So I don't know....just make a couple movies or something.