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Junior Caminero Just Blasted a Ball To Outer Space To Win the Dominican Republic Championship Series And Then Delivered The Greatest Home Run Trot Of All-Time

Update: the bat flip launch is unbelievable. Every angle is better than the previous. That shit touched the clouds 

If you close your eyes you can picture every old in the world throwing their remote directly through their nearest big screen. Brian McCann just called his local police who have offered no help since they have zero jurisdiction in the Dominican Republic. In the 9th inning of Game 7 of the LIDOM Serie Final Junior Caminero detonated a bomb and parlayed it with an all-time home run trot. What followed was nothing but pure electricity. I definitely expected a Rougned Odor punch to find Caminero at some point during his round of the bases, but to the opposition's credit they just accepted the reaction. That's how they ball down there. Up here we're getting FEMA involved to sort out the carnage.   

 The funniest part of the whole clip is that the game continued after that. That was only the top of the 9th inning. That whole home run trot, awesome as it was, just for a one run lead in the 9th. A lead that Leones del Escogido nearly blew if not for this sliding catch to end the game. Imagine being in the stands for this shit? 

If you thought this was enough drama, last night Albert Pujols accused the other team of having a corked bat. 


The LIDOM only delivers chaos. We can only learn from it and hopefully mirror the theatrics moving forward. 

P.S. If this is the beginning of Junior Caminero's ascension into stardom I don't welcome it as a member of the AL East. 

P.P.S. Any measurement on that homer that doesn't start with a 5 should be discarded from future assessments of distance