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Big Cat Joins The Show To Talk About The All-Time Choke Job By Kansas This Weekend

So as we were filming the Mark Titus Show this morning, the door propped open for a second and it was none other than Big Cat from Barstool Sports. He wanted us to give him a shout when we began to talk about the Kansas vs. Houston game from this weekend.....and would you have it, we were currently discussing it! He took a seat down on the couch and LET IT RIP. I didn't realize he is such a big Kansas fan? Or I guess I should say, WAS a big Kansas fan. This dude fucking haaaaates the Jayhawks now, seeing as they pissed away a lead in which they had a 99.6% chance of winning according to the probability charts. A 5 second call. Multiple turnovers. Can't make their free throws. It was a disaster. And it kind of sucks for Houston because this should've been a huge win for them, but the story is 100% how Kansas lost. I guess the consolation prize of being in the drivers seat to win the Big 12 is good enough for the Cougars though, right? Check out this and more on the newest episode of the Mark Titus Show.

Other topics discussed on the newest episode of the Mark Titus Show:

0:00 - 9:27 Intro 

9:28 Show Starts with Houston Kansas Recap 

10:49 - 16:13 Big Cat joins the show 

16:14 - 17:09 DraftKings 

17:11 Kansas / Houston Talk Continues 

33:05 Michigan State talk 37:41 

TJ talks Rutgers / Michigan State 

43:17 Auburn / Tennessee 

58:21 Indiana / Maryland 

1:09:01 Georgetown / Providence 

1:24:11 Show Ends