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Ryan Reynolds Supported Bestie Hugh Jackman At His Opening Night In Radio City, Unfortunately Also Brought A Bad Spray Tan

Ryan and Hugh are straight up best friends. It comes as no surprise that Hugh would have Ryan come along to opening night of his new show at Radio City, From New York, With Love. Ryan had nothing but heartfelt things to say on behalf of his bestie, and it was all very sweet. 

What I HATE to bring up, but also happens to be the talk of the town, is this photo that the paparazzi got of Ryan on his way out:

I can't even find the full photo on Twitter anymore but honestly, it's for the best. If you want to see how wrong these papz did him, you can check it out in that Daily Mail article but, all this to say - my guy is having a TOUGH week. He's very publicly in the middle of a massive lawsuit alongside his wife, he's trying to step out and support his best friend, and I'm sure he doesn't want to be looking like a mess. We've all been there. Throw a little self tanner on the face and chest, nobody is the wiser. Sometimes, it goes HORRIBLY wrong and fortunately for most people, we aren't subjected to full flash and close ups of our worst moments. Not Ryan!

Ryan Reynolds is a VERY HOT and handsome guy. I've never seen him look this bad and I'm fully in the camp of, the paparazzi tried to make him look bad. Why would you even post a photo like that to sell??? He's got bad self tanner, sweat stains, panicked look - are you crazy??? Nobody wants to look like that!! And all after he was doing something nice. Tsk tsk tsk. SHAME ON YOU PAPZ!

Keep your chin up, Ry Guy. We know you're a stone cold hottie with an even hotter wife and more money than anyone would know what to do with. Fuck these haters and losers trying to bring you down. We stand by you, even when you fuck up your spray tan and look exactly like your character in Just Friends before he drops the LA douchebag act. 

Giphy Images.