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Some Good News: Bam Margera Showed Up To Do A Podcast On Addiction Looking The Healthiest And Happiest He's Looked In Years


You know what? I'll take it. I'll take any glimmer of good news I can get after last night's highway robbery of the Buffalo Bills. How great would that have been? A Bills/Eagles Super Bowl? Un-fucking-real. Poor Josh Allen. Anyway, it's great to see Bam appear good and sober on a podcast. He even sounded like his old self. That said, he still looks like a swollen tick, but these things take time. Here's another story he told about what caused him to get sober...

I'm half way through the episode right now and it's a lot of the same but it sounds hopeful. Addiction really just is an absolute bitch. Pour millions of dollars, fame, and family drama on top of it and it becomes a mega bitch. Jut wanted to start your Monday off with some good news. Now here are some Bam highlights to get you through the morning. Enjoy…




