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It Is Once Again Up To The City of Philadelphia To Save The World From The Evil Empire

Cooper Neill. Getty Images.

The city of Philadelphia has had our fair share of un-in's with dynasties and evil empires. The Flyers lost to the Red Wings in '97, and the Chicago Blackhawks in 2010. The Sixers lost to the Lakers in '01. The Phillies lost to the Yankees in '09 and the Astros in '22. And then, of course, the Eagles lost to the Patriots in '04 before getting their redemption against New England in 2017. The Eagles lost to the Chiefs in '22, and now they have another shot at redemption on February 9th. 

Philadelphia is a city of redemption. And it all starts with Rocky Balboa. 

People forget that Rocky ended up losing to Apollo Creed in Rocky I. He gave it everything he had out there, but just couldn't get the job done against the heavyweight champion of the world. But what happened when Rocky had a chance to get his revenge against Apollo Creed in Rocky II? 

That's right, bitch. He found a way to get it done. Because that's what the city of Philadelphia is all about. 

Rocky loses to Apollo Creed in Rocky I, comes back and takes him down in Rocky II. 

The Eagles lost to the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXIX, came back to take them down in Super Bowl LII. 

The Eagles lost to the Chiefs in Super Bowl LVII, and now it's up to the city of Philadelphia to slay yet another dragon.  

I know everyone loves to point and laugh at Philly as the City of Runner Ups. But we don't lose to the same dynasty twice. Just as long as you take out the Flyers losing to the Oilers in the '85 and '87 Stanley Cup Finals. You take that away and the city of Philadelphia always gets our redemption when facing the same dynasty for a 2nd time. 

So here we are yet again. The Eagles are back in the Super Bowl, and it's time for the city of Philadelphia to save the world. It's what we do best. When times look their darkest and the future of society looks its bleakest, you can always count of the city of Philadelphia to come through and save the day. We simply cannot just stand by and allow the Kansas City Chiefs to become the first team in NFL history to win three straight Super Bowls. Somebody needs to put an end to this nonsense. We need a hero. Why not us?



