It Turns Out Darth Vader Went Back To Tatooine At Some Point To Kill Watto (And The #RIPWatto Memes Are Great)
Alright, I recognize how niche and nerdy this blog is - discussing about a character from the Star Wars prequels being canonically confirmed dead in a new comic book series - but I really got a kick out of it, and the RIP Watto memes have been hysterical....
Some Star Wars fans are upset that this comic implies Darth Vader returned to Tatooine, a planet that obviously holds a lot of pain and anguish for him - and the secret location of his son, Luke Skywalker, at this point - but I absolutely believe Vader is petty enough to pull this shit. I think he used those Empire taxpayer dollars on the most personal of greivances CONSTANTLY.
I mean, Emperor Palpatine basically has to tell him to stop fucking around with the hunt for his former master at the end of the 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' series because they've got a war to win....and yes, I know there's a massive difference between Obi-Wan and fucking WATTO in Vader's mind - but still! That scumbag enslaved a young Ani and his mom and didn't necessarily treat em like family in that time! Plus, there was probably some kinda hometown food craving Vader was able to hit on the way back....if he was still able to eat it, that is.

I guess you could say it gets dicey with believability in that if Darth Vader was essentially down the block from the Lars homestead, you'd think he might stop by to destroy any/all memory of his past - but I also believe he's emo enough to stay away from that side of town too. People forget that under that big bad suit lies a moody ass biatch eternally upset he fumbled Natalie Portman.
Oh, and and if you ever find yourself over-analyzing this stuff to the level I've displayed in this blog, getting upset about something like Vader not "staying true to his character" by seemingly returning to his home planet for two-panels in a comic book, just remember what Harrison Ford told Mark Hamill on the set of the first 'Star Wars'....
"Hey kid, it ain't that kinda movie."