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Bare Knuckle Fighter Who Was INSANELY Wired/Jacked Up At Weigh-Ins Gets Viciously KO’d

Oh man. Ohhhhh man. You just can't come into weigh-ins that wired and jacked up and then got knocked out that viciously. You can't let it happen!

I don't wanna accuse the guy of being on anything except pre-workout the night before the fight, but let's just say when CONOR McGREGOR is looking at you like this....

….you might wanna lower the dosage or take a chill pill! Take a deep breath at the very least before you burst every blood vessel in your body, buddy! I mean, they really don't ask much of you at weigh-ins; it's really just step on the scale, and face off with your opponent - and Pat Sullivan fucked BOTH of those things up! He almost twisted his ankle/broke the scale getting on, and then shoved Kaine Tomlinson Jr IMMEDIATELY before they could even get face-to-face! BKFC President Dave Feldman just had to just hold both fighters' wrists for the remainder of their time on stage like he was a dad preventing his shitass sons from fighting at the mall or something.

About 24 hours later, Kaine Tomlinson Jr delivered one of the most brutal, ferocious, cold-blooded knockouts I've ever seen in a bare knuckle fight - flatlining Pat Sullivan completely. It's insane from every angle and watching Sullivan's limp body bounce off the ropes never gets easier….


Hopefully he's all good health-wise and comes into his next bout a little calmer. I think it'd be for the best….for everyone.

P.S. Here's how BKFC's Philly debut ended….