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Set The Tone: A Providence Student Was Ejected From The Arena For Stealing A Basketball During Warmups, Hiding In The Bathroom With It

This right here is how you set the tone. 2 hours before tip time? No better time to snag a ball from Georgetown's bench so they can't warm up with it. It's mental warfare. Now, sure, you cost yourself a seat for Cooley's return 2.0, but it's all about trying to find ways to get Providence a win. It's not exactly a secret that PC isn't great this year, but this is the game that matters to them. They beat Cooley again and they can puff their chest. 

I need to know more about how he was in the bathroom. Hiding in a stall and cuddling the ball? Gotta respect that. Can't get caught that way, shouldn't be caught this way. This may also sum up Providence fans more than anything else. I say it all the time, but they are lunatics. They don't have football to care about. They care about 1 thing and 1 thing only - Friar basketball. No other school is having college basketball Twitter talk about this. It's part of the reason why they have a lead in the 2nd half of this game right now. 

This is also why I will always love college basketball more than anything else in the world. It's the dumbest sport. Stupid shit happens all the time. But you don't get weird stories like this in the NBA. There's a passion in college hoops you can't match. Can't believe security kicked him out. Gotta know the situation fellas.