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Kevin Owens Roasts Matthew McConaughey AND The Longhorns At SmackDown In Austin

Call it cheap heat, call it low hanging fruit, call it what you will - I call it Kevin Owens asking for a death sentence live on television. He may not realize it because of his Canadian upbringing, but going after Matthew McConaughey AND the Longhorns in Austin is pretty much like going after The Pope AND the Catholic Church at the Vatican. It goes above and beyond kayfabe, and I guarantee you some Texans in the Moody Center tonight that have a hard time separating the wrestlers from their characters probably want his head on the stick after bringing up that recent Ohio State loss. 

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if McConaughey flipped a switch right there and forgot wrestling was scripted after that! I could totally picture him hopping the barricade and delivering a Will Smith-esque slap right there, telling KO to keep the Longhorns out of his fucking mouth. He damn near corners Dave like a mobster and gets right in his grill to defend his team every time they're together....

Guy just fucking loves ball.

Kevin Owens has certainly never been one to shy away from striking a nerve with a city's beloved team, though….

I almost feel like I HAVE to repost that promo at least once a year, because my god the heat is tremendous. Shoutout to my friend Kazeem for writing that one - and shoutout to Kevin Owens for always having the balls to deliver shit like this. He's absolutely gonna go down as one of the greatest of all time on the mic.

P.S. If you're an old school wrestling fan watching this clip, wondering why Kevin Owens has the 'Winged Eagle' title from your childhood….


….allow me to explain. They actually brought that championship design back for the return of 'Saturday Night's Main Event' last month, where the rightful champion, Cody Rhodes, defended it against Owens….

Rhodes won, but at one point during the match, Kevin Owens would've had him beat if not for the referee getting knocked out - so afterwards, KO hit Cody with a package piledriver and stole the title outta frustration….

….and now they're gonna put both titles up for grabs in a WrestleMania X style ladder match at the Royal Rumble next weekend! If I know anything about Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens, it's that they'll probably do some crazy shit and go bonkers with their determination to steal the show in front of sixty-thousand-plus at Lucas Oil Stadium.

They'll have a contract signing for the bout tomorrow night (at the second returning 'Saturday Night's Main Event') mediated by "The Heartbreak Kid" himself, Shawn Michaels….


….and I can't friggin wait. WWE is on such a hot streak right now and I imagine the Road to WrestleMania is only gonna make things bigger, better, and crazier.

As a guy who is lucky enough to consider both of these legends friends, I just hope everybody has fun. I'm gonna need one of those Mama Kelce jerseys.