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Danny Hurley Has Lost His Marbles

So the hot topic in the past couple days has been is Danny Hurley a fucking asshole or not. I think the answer is pretty obvious to anyone that's watched him coach, and that's Yes. But the bigger question is has he changed because he's won Back to Back titles? Or is this same old Danny? Titus makes a great point that while Hurley is certainly on top of the coaching world right now, he's only been to TWO Sweet 16s in his lifetime. So when he says things like, "Don't turn your back on me. I'm the best fucking coach in this sport."'s kind of weird, no? What do you say to Tom Izzo? Bill Self? They've got to be laughing over there at Danny.

Brandon Walker chimes in on the situation:

and Jack Mac rebuttals:

I don't know where I stand on the topic. I personally like Danny Hurley. His fire is the reason he's gotten to where he is. But also, there's a way to have fire without saying things like "I'm the best fucking coach in this sport" and "the Memphis player half-assed a rebound" when complaining about over the back calls. It's an interesting line he's toeing, which we discuss on the Mark Titus Show.

Other topics discussed on the newest episode of the Mark Titus Show:

0:00 Intro 

3:22 Mark is in a good mood 

6:30 Dan Hurley 

19:15 Ohio State / Purdue 

35:17 St Johns Talk 

52:26 Arkansas 

1:01:13 - UCLA 

1:02:08 North Carolina 

1:13:36 Fan Questions

1:19:23 Ohio State Football 

1:22:38 Show Ends