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This Video Of A Frat Bro Screaming At A Party To "Shut The Fuck Up" Because The Cops Are Outside Is Peak College

God it's so nice to see that this is still happening. You remember that? When you'd be at a party off campus and the cops would show up so you'd have to "be quiet" until they left. Like they didn't know there were 400 kids on the verge of a black out inside. Then some frat bro would stand on a chair and scream at everyone to "shut the fuck up", which would work for like .3 seconds until everyone started screaming again? Some of my fondest college memories took place inside those parties. Like when my buddy wanted to leave a frat, but the brothers wouldn't let him so he threw a lamp across the living room so they'd let him out. Hardest I've ever laughed in my life. And it's funny because in those moments, despite the absurdity of the situation, everyone acts like being quiet is a life or death decision. Like if you're not quiet those police offers are going ready for this...tell you to leave! Oh the horror! 

I was getting a little worried about this generation once I read the report about college partying being on the decline, but maybe those fears were unfounded. Maybe college is exactly like it used to be only we're more out of the loop. I guess that's what happens when you age. 

Anyway, fingers crossed everyone inside that party "shut the fuck up" and they were able to carry on with their evening. That's what it's all about. Have a lovely Friday.