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Aussie-Russian Tennis Player Arina Rodionova Goes With The Ol' Divorce-OnlyFans Combo Announcement

Meet Arina Rodionova, a 35 year old Russian-Australian tennis player. By no means is she a household name, but she's stayed around long enough to make tennis a career in both singles and doubles. As 2025 gets under way, however, it seems like she's ready to dip her toes into new waters. Politics? Community outreach? Teaching? No silly, OnlyFans. 

(NY Post) Announcing the move on Jan. 12, Rodionova wrote on Instagram: “Good news for everyone who was asking. My OnlyFans account was confirmed so here we go. Let’s do this.” Rodionova’s OF bio is similar to her Instagram one “I am a tennis player” but with a twist. It reads: “I am a tennis player but a fun one”. It comes after last year Rodionova revealed she had been prompted to start an adults-only content page by a fan, in what she described as the greatest compliment ever. “Stop with tennis, you’ll make more money with OnlyFans. It was the best compliment, which I’ve got this year,” Rodionova said last year in a vlog with fellow tennis player Daria Kasatkina.


Nothing too out of the norm there. Attractive woman who isn't making a ton during her main job anymore decides to bring in a second revenue stream that might end up paying even more. Welcome to 2025, this is the new world. 

The real kicker is doing an Only Fans announcement while also sharing a "we're getting divorced" video. 

"Hey guys, we have a quick announcement to make, we're getting divorced." Just diving straight into it, ripping the bandaid off. 

Public announcements about relationships ending are always so weird. Sometimes you get a notes app statement, other times you drop hints or clues with certain posts, maybe one day you just wipe that person away from your account. At the end of the day do people really care outside of your friends and family? Were these two that notable of a couple in Australia to do this? Feel like they could have just went about their business and no one was going to say anything. Not a single person. But that's not how you grab headlines for your new OnlyFans account! My god, she's actually a genius? 

 Not sure I've seen the joint video post like Arina did with her husband. I guess it's just different down under. The guy doesn't seem bothered at all, just done with being married and moving on. She's got her Only Fans starting and he's gonna be as far away from that as humanly possible. Dare I say a rare win-win?