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Clutch: Dude At Nebraska's Basketball Game Drills A Full-Court Putt For A New Porsche, Crowd Goes Wild As He Delivers A Perfect Fist Pump

What a roll! That man was way too confident going up to that putt. Had a little break to the right, played it perfectly and that was one of the more pure putts we've seen in this scenario. Plus, it was worth something. We've seen this where people win money for books and shit like that. Oh, no, this was a new Porsche. 

Now the real debate is whether he hit a Tiger fist pump or a Payne Stewart fist pump. 

Giphy Images.

I love the rich dudes in the front row. They turned into golfers again right in that moment. We can't necessarily turn it off, I'm a golfer, and if I see something like this you forget where you're at for a second. Dudes closer to the hole felt it as the ball was perfectly rolling. You can see the excitement growing on their face. They know they are about to see something special. Guy sitting in the white quarter zip, second from the table, starts scooting up. Big time dad move that I'm only forced to respect. 

Now the man gets to drive around Nebraska with a Porsche. Coolest guy at Nebraska since Keisei Tominaga left last year. 
