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Arkansas Had One Of The Wildest Covers You Will Ever See

Talk about a bad one. Listen if you are backing Georgia at that point in the game you are fully prepared to get a bad beat. The most likely outcome is the kid hits both free throws. That sucks but you can live with it. It's brutal to take but hey that's what happens. Georgia committed the foul the kid hit two free throws... you lose. Move onto the next play. 

But the way this plays out that the kid NOT ONLY GETS HIS OWN REBOUND HE PUTS IT BACK UP FOR LITERALLY NO REASON TO BEAT YOU has to be a brutal pill to swallow. Just as bad a beat as it gets. When I say there was no reason for this kid to take the layup there was NO REASON for him to take the layup. I'm almost convinced he thought the game was still tied. Just zero reason to take that shot. Let's also be a little fundamental here. Can Georgia box out for Pete's sake? What are you guys doing. Box out and get a rebound and heave it down court and you cover. Just as painful a beat as you will see this season. Brutal.