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Global Warming Who? It's Snowing in Florida!

Don’t worry—this isn’t a political blog. To be honest, I hardly know what global warming is, and I can’t say I care too much. After all, we’re all going to die eventually, right? But here’s what I do know: it doesn’t snow in Florida. At least, it didn’t used to.

For some people, snow is a regular part of life—a love-hate relationship, perhaps. It’s magical when it blankets the ground but a nightmare when it turns into slush. However, growing up in Florida, snow was nothing more than a dream. We didn’t have snow days, snowball fights, or opportunities to build a snowman. Snow was the stuff of movies and holiday cards, not reality.

The last time it snowed in Florida was in the early 1970s, but now, parts of the state are reporting 9.8 inches of snow! That’s more snow than I’ve ever seen in my entire life—unless you count seeing it chopped up on a plate (hahah got em). Believe it or not, Florida currently has more snow than Chicago. It’s wild to think about. I can’t help but wonder how the alligators are handling this unexpected winter wonderland. Should we check in on them?

It’s incredible to see my fellow Floridians enjoying this rare phenomenon. For a state that only knows summer—where the “seasons” are merely different levels of humidity—it’s refreshing to experience something completely out of the ordinary. Watching people enjoy the snow has been heartwarming. Kids are building snowmen, adults are throwing snowballs, and everyone seems to be embracing the moment.

If you’re lucky enough to experience this fleeting winter in Florida, savor it. Enjoy the snow while it’s clean, crisp, and magical. Build that snowman. Have those snowball fights. Do all the things we missed out on as kids in a tropical state. Because let’s be real—once it starts melting and turns into a slushy, gray mess, you’ll be praying for it to disappear as quickly as it came.

So, here’s to Florida’s first “real winter” in the last 30 years!