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"George!" - Ichiro Had A Hilarious Reaction To Ken Griffey Jr. Surprising Him And Welcoming Him Into The Hall of Fame

Is there a cooler person to see on the other end of a video after you just found out you made the Hall of Fame? Ichiro was being interviewed on MLB Network just minutes after finding out that he fell a single vote short of being the second unanimous player in Cooperstown when he was told that they had a special guest who wanted to say something to him. He looks legit concerned at first and tries to figure out who could be on the other end. Greg Amsinger steps aside and bam, we got not one, but two Mariners legends. Ken Griffey Jr. showed up to congratulate Ichiro on joining him and everyone else in Cooperstown. The look on Ichiro's face was hilarious, he looked legit shocked. 

You could almost hear him go "oh shit" when he saw Griffey's face pop up. Mariners fans really don't know how sick they had it going almost straight from Griffey Jr. to Ichiro, only a year or two in-between them, that's not too shabby at all. Favre to Rodgers like without the rings though. But Griffey gets on there, surprised the hell out of Ichiro and welcomes him to the prestigious club. He goes onto say how his wife was running around excited when she found out and then lets him know that since he's a rookie again, he has to provide the sake. Ichiro was speechless the entire time, I don't know if he was overwhelmed with everything or if he was just showing Ken his respect, but then he blurts out something that none of us expected to hear. "GEORGE, thank you very much!", Griffey cracks up and Ichiro still sits there stone faced. 

For those who don't know, Ken Griffey Jr.'s real name is "George Kenneth Griffey Jr.", Ichiro went right for the government name! But after watching this short clip with them all I can say is how much I need some sort of sitcom with these guys, a podcast at the very least. Not only are they two of the best players we've ever seen, but they seem like great friends and absolutely would provide us with gold content, Shagging Flys With The Boys? Some money just freed up for Portnoy, let's get this baseball pod moving.

It's a fantastic clip and shows how much respect both of them have for one another. Two of the very best we'll ever see with two of the more unique personalities, both guys were MASSIVE trendsetters in the game of baseball. Icons if you will, now they'll both be rocking Mariners caps in Cooperstown, a very cool moment for that franchise. Crazy that these two were a combined 4 votes short of being unanimous too, both guys absolutely should have been. We all had hoped that Ichiro would go in with 100% of the votes, instead he fell one vote shy because some crumb bum had to make himself part of the story, but I digress. A fun interview here that helped show off Ichiro's incredible sense of humor that not a lot of folks knew he had. Not only was he one of the coolest players ever, he was known for being very funny as well. Awesome to see Ichiro and George link up again, should make for a cool moment this summer with those two. 

Enjoy bonus "Ichiro being funny" content!



PS. Shoutout Griffey's sweet background, nothing like flaunting all your gold gloves behind you.