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Damage Control: Zuck Immediately Posted A Picture With His Wife on IG After Going Viral For Taking A Peek At Mrs. Bezos

Yesterday was the inauguration day. Some people will remember it as the day Donald J Trump retook office and made America great again...again. But not Mark Zuckerberg. Boy howdy, despite being at the Inauguration with front row seats, he will not remember it as a great day at all. He will remember it as the day he got buried deeper into the dog house than he ever has been in his life. Deeper than when he created FaceSmash and called Erica Albright a bitch in his blog. He took one little peep at Madame Bezos' rack and all hell broke loose. That one moment overshadowed the entire inauguration. Everywhere you looked it was Zuck peeping at the hooters. You literally can't scroll for 4 seconds without seeing another picture of it. I can feel Baron telling Trump to meme Zuckerberg to death as we speak. 

While it probably is the most relatable thing Zuck has ever done, I mean shit, we've all done the 1-2-Lookeroo, it's in our DNA afterall. And you try to play it off like Michael Cera in Superbad, but to no avail.

So I would have to imagine getting caught doing it by the world while you sit next to your wife probably wasn't as funny for him as it is for us.

But fret not, Zucky got on damage control ASAP. Did the most obvious "I love my wife!" Instagram post of all time:

That'll do it! A totally organic, not buried in the dog house post from Zuck. Just goes to show, no matter how many billions you and your wife have, we're all the same at the end of the day. You just know he got an earful and a half from Priscilla the second they got back to their hotel. She probably refused to change his robot oil and made him charge up in another room that night (akin to making him sleep on the couch). But inbetween he posted that picture to try and be like "see, we're in love!". 

What he SHOULD have done is posted a picture of him peeking at his wife's rack. Make fun of himself a little. Lean into it. Have fun for a change. Maybe next time, Zuck. Maybe next time.