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The Pirates Held Their Fan Fest On Saturday And It Sounds Like It Was A Disaster With "Sell The Team" Chants, Expired Sodas Being Sold, Misspelled Player's Names And Fans Already Freaking Out About Losing Paul Skenes

The Pirates are holding their fan fest this weekend and let's just say things didn't really get off to a great start for the Bucco faithful. Fans took to social media to let it be known that things were not going smoothly for the fans that attended. This is a fanbase who is VERY frustrated and fed up with their ownership allowing their team to become a farm system for other MLB teams and they let their frustrations be known during the fans Q&A with ownership. 

The Pirates fans in attendance didn't even wait to start their "SELL THE TEAM" chants, they let it fly during the VERY FIRST QUESTION! Straight up asked Pirates President Travis Williams if the team is serious about winning, no softballs here. They went straight for the jugular right away. Williams gave some BS world salad answer and as he was wrapping it is when the chants to sell the team started. Greg Brown, an announcer for the team, tried to calm down the crowd and lectured them to be respectful. Whatever man, these fans have had it with this clown show ownership, they're going to speak their mind. Just funny that it took all of one question to get people to demand a sale. Take one look at the replies on Instagram or Twitter and it's easy to see how the fans are feeling.

More gold from the Q&A was a fan asking if the team can find a way to extend Paul Skenes and O'Neil Cruz now instead of "waiting to trade them for hot garbage like we always do." What an incredible question, I love how their Q&A turned into an old school sports talk radio segment, shoutout this fan too for having the onions to ask Cherington about it. Hilarious question there, you know the front office HATED being up there fielding these questions too, what a nightmare situation for them. 


Maybe my favorite question asked to the Pirates management was about putting an actual pirate ship in the outfield. How in the hell is that not a thing? There should 1,000% be a full scale pirate ship out there.Want to get the fans back on your side? Pirate ship. Let em fire a cannon, have an actual pirate raise the flag after a win. This seems like such an easy fix, ownership should have been all over that when it was originally brought up when they were building the ballpark. Want to turn around the juju of the team? Pirate ship in CF, do it.

Maybe after the Q&A you wanted to get a quick refreshment, grab a soda or something. Perfect, you can walk right up and get……an expired Mountain Dew!

Nothing quenches your thirst quite like a 2 and a half week expired soda. This isn't necessarily the Pirates fault, it falls on the distributor for the venue but it's under the Pirates umbrella. Selling expired sodas fits this franchise to a T. Wash down those "sell the team" chants with a nice expired pop! 

Another cool part of these fan fest events is getting to meet and interact with your favorite players, like Pirates legend Andrew McCutcen! 

They deleted this picture from the Instagram after it was pointed out that they misspelled "McCutchen", another simple mistake that makes the club look like a little league team. Of all the players you have there, this is the guy you're going to do that to? How does this even happen? Where's the quality control? How does some admin print this and not notice right away? Again, it's not a big thing, but it makes that franchise look so JV. Pirate legend and this is how you treat him in probably his last year, get the name right! Toughhhh look for the Pirates yet again. 

Apparently the Pirates' mascot fell on a toddler too? What a wild day at Pirates fan fest, who the hell knows whats going to happen tomorrow. Maybe the fans try to overthrow the ownership tomorrow? Anarchy at fan fest? Wouldn't put anything past these fans. 
