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It's A Shame Nobody Watched Skeleton Crew, Because It Was A Pretty Great Star Wars Show

'Skeleton Crew' - the latest live-action Star Wars series on Disney+ from 'Spider-Man' director Jon Watts - aired its eighth and final episode this week, and despite it being a show that is both a hit critically and with the audience....

….it certainly felt like there was no chatter around it at all. I loved it, of course, but I wasn't seeing the usual amount of theories and memes on social media, I wasn't getting the usual amount of texts from my friends that are Star Wars fans, we haven't been getting our usual amount of engagement on the podcast, and nobody in the office that isn't a Star Wars fan has even asked me about it. All of those things - plus the viewership numbers that are now coming in lower than 'The Acolyte' - combine to make me think this thing tanked in the streaming ratings….however that works. That's a real shame too, because it pulled off a lot of what people have been asking for out of Star Wars recently so well! It had a unique throwback vibe, new planets, galaxy expanding lore, great performances, extremely competent child actors, CGI and prosthetics that felt like they spent money on those departments again, a story that didn't rely on a SINGLE cameo or cheap moment of fan service - and it only got better as it went along! I thought maybe the buzz for the show would grow because of that, like it did with 'Andor' or even 'The Penguin', but it just never seemed to get off the ground.

I guess it's like the age-old "tree falls in a forrest with no one around to hear it" thing. If Lucasfilm finally puts together a good Star Wars series that nobody watches, did they actually put together a good Star Wars series? While the ever-optimistic Star Wars fan in me wants to believe the answer to this question is still yes, and there's still hope for the franchise, others may disagree.

I'm not sure if 'Skeleton Crew' wasn't marketed well, if people just assumed it was a kids show, if they had a bad taste in their mouth from 'The Acolyte', or what - but hopefully they all come back for 'Andor' Season 2 later this year, which Disney rightfully dumped a Death Star-level amount of money into….

If you didn't watch it 'Skeleton Crew' but have an open mind about it - definitely check it out. It skews a bit young at times but it's exactly what the trailers promise it to be: 'The Goonies', but in Star Wars


Jude Law is fantastic, the new settings and ideas they introduce to Star Wars are really intriguing, and the series has a "comfort watch" feel about it right away. It's totally Spielberg/Amblin Entertainment inspired at every turn and feels like a nostalgic love letter/homage to those 80s kids-save-the-day style movies; and it's all very well thought-out! There weren't any filler episodes, the character development worked the way it should, most of the questions presented were answered, and everything wrapped up in a way that I felt was very satisfying as a singular season - but also left the door open for these characters to have a future.

I don't know where we'll see Jod, Wim, Neel, KB, Fern, and SM-33 next, but I'd be willing to bet we haven't seen the last of them. It may not be in their very own Season 2 due to the poor ratings - especially considering 'The Acolyte' got the axe after one season; I could totally see any of them showing up for a quick scene in the 'Mandalorian and Grogu' or Filoni team up movies, though. 

We discussed all of this and more (including the finale of Surviving Barstool and our thoughts) in My Mom's Basement this week….


P.S. While a lot of casual fans didn't watch this show - I can confirm that Star Wars Dave did. He's a real one.