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You Have Never Seen A Slide Break Faster Than This

I know it's the dark days of winter but with all the submissions that come through out account sometimes it takes a while before it hits the main page. I have to say I'm glad we found this and posted it because I was never ever expecting how this was going to end. There's so many different ways it could go, and I'll be honest this was the one I never expected. 

The crack of that slide like a bag of potato chips is some thing truly remarkable. Just an absolute CRUSHING. I wonder if the pieces made their way to the pool which is a nightmare. Imagine shards of plastic just being on the bottom of the pool waiting to be stepped on and sending you into a fit of pain and rage. Nightmare. 

The other big question I have here is the owner of the slide, are they mad? I have to think alcohol is involved so people always think is things are funnier. I wonder if the owner tried to sway him not to do it, if he was begging him not to do it, then this is officially a dickhead thing to do. If the owner was on board and drunkenly said "DO IT" then you cannot be mad at the results. The guy is a big boy and this was a risk. Just gotta laugh, clean up the pieces and move on.