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'Please Don't Give Me A Technical' - Radford's Coach Begged The Ref Not To Cost Him A Win Because Some Kid Caused Chaos Running Onto The Court

I have no idea how this happens, but I do know this is a parent's nightmare. I say this as someone who has a boy about this kid's age (and a 5-year old). You take your eyes off of them for one second and they can take off. Again, no idea how it happens at a game, there was apparently a School Night promo there at Radford, but shout out Truth Harris for taking matters into his own hands. Let the kid tire himself out a bit (fucking impossible to do) and then grab them when you can

You can see the kid give up the moment he got caught. But even better is Darris Nichols, the Radford head coach. He knows what he's dealing with - refs who you never know about. In theory, yes, they could give a technical for this. You can't have people on the court before the game is over. It's rare, but again, college basketball refs stink. You got a 3 point lead with a minute to go in a conference game. Can't be having some kid cost you the game because of chaos. 

I don't know how else to explain it, but every other parent knows this - kids are somehow the fastest people in the world. They are deceptively quick. The whole key is waiting out until they make a mistake and get into your wingspan and then grab them. Speaking of the ref, how about a little hustle here to try and get the kid? The one ref was just wandering around barely trying to help out. Great distraction though. It worked since Radford got the win, but again, how does this happen? Smart by Nichols to beg for no technical.