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The Minnesota Radio Call Of Sam Darnold Taking His FIFTH Sack In Two Quarters Against The Rams Is The Perfect Window Into A Vikings Fan's Soul

I know that national announcers for NFL games get a ton of shit, but I think the best teams are usually pretty good for the most part. Sure it can be annoying hearing Tony Romo cum after a big play or Cris Collinsworth wax poetic about the same player for an entire three hour broadcast. But for the most part, they are perfectly fine calling the biggest games of the week.

However, that video proves that the real calls are made by the local radio teams that have gone through countless seasons of calling the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yes, hearing Joe Buck's voice gives fans that Big Game Feel and Jim Nantz can rip off the perfect call for a big moment. But there is just something different about the guttural sound of hearing a hometown announcer yell "HE'S HOLDING IT TOO LONG. JUST THROW IT MAN!!!" as another magical season turns into a pumpkin along with their quarterback, who went from being greeted like this to being clowned by the internet in two weeks flat.

I personally hate that all this happened because as.a Mets fan, I feel a kinship with Vikings fans who have had their guts ripped out in extremely vicious ways over the years and I love their play by play guy Paul Allen, who is a joy to listen to win, lose, or draw.

But it truly is a reminder that we need all the local radio calls from each NFL playoff game to hear the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows (you know the true sickos of rival fanbases got off on listening to sadness in that Darnold call, which is just as much a part of being an NFL fan as anything else). May the Football Gods one day decide to have mercy on Paul Allen and Vikings Fans' souls by giving us a call of the Lombardi Trophy being won by Minnesota.