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If Ohio State Loses To Notre Dame, I Will..... (Vote On These Top 10 Punishments, You Creative Sickos)

Alright, here we are. National Championship game. You guys know the drill by now. I open up the submission process to the Internet, they supply me with punishment ideas that I would have to complete should Ohio State lose, and then I choose a Top 10 finalist list for everyone to vote from. Shoutout to Notre Dame fans worldwide as we hit our record number of submissions this time at just north of 2,000 ideas. I would also like to note that you guys are fucking sickos. Creative! But sickos. This batch is 100x the worst we've had submitted....but we are confident in our Buckeyes, so we ride.

*Reminder these are in no particular order, just the 10 best ideas submitted and then I collect the votes from my good friends down in the comment section, on Twitter, on TikTok, and on Instagram to make the final decision:

10. Have to place Notre Dame's "Play Like a Champion" sign on my back, go out for St. Patty's Day in Chicago, and anyone who sees me is allowed to smack it like the players would.

9. Have to write a sermon (take it seriously) that incorporates Ohio State losing, and then deliver it on YouTube live-streamed the following Sunday morning for viewers to tune in and worship.

8. Spend 24 hours at Declan's (the Notre Dame pub in Chicago) and the only way to get an hour off is to successfully split the G on a Guinness draft. 

7. In honor of Rudy, find a Division 1 college football team to let me take handoffs. However many points Notre Dame scores, that's the yard line I have to start at, moving the ball until I end with a touchdown. 

6. Secret livestream a Confessional with a Priest. Except Frank the Tank and Chief get to feed me what sins I am confessing for...

5. Get a 4-Leaf Clover tattooed on my butt because Notre Dame just kicked our ass.

4. Tied up to a cross hanging in the Barstool Office for as many hours as points Notre Dame wins by.

3. Make a Walk of Atonement from the front steps of Barstool Chicago to Notre Dame's stadium, dressed as a Leprechaun.

2. Only allowed to eat Lucky Charms for as many days as points Notre Dame wins by.

1. Watch Rudy continuously for as many times as points Notre Dame wins by. Only allowed to drink wine and eat crackers. Must successfully give the Rudy speech word for word to end the stream.