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Upon Further Review, It Would Appear The Packers Fan Who Recorded Incident In Philly Is Also A Gigantic Loser

Before we get going here let me just start off by saying this is the last blog I'm writing about this subject. I don't care if anymore updates come out of it. I am so ungodly sick of this story and can't wait for it to end. 

Now as you may recall, these two Packer fans went to Lincoln Financial Field for the Eagles vs Packers wild card game last Sunday. At that game, this dipshit's fiance ended up getting a "dumb cunt" multiple times by the Eagles fan sitting behind them. The whole thing was captured on video (conveniently enough, there's no footage of anything that took place before the incident which could have incited the whole thing), put out on social media, the Eagles fan ended up getting doxxed by the internet and now he's been fired by his job. Not a huge fan of losers who have nothing better to do with their lives doxxing someone and trying to ruin theirs, but it is what it is. 

But like everything in life, there are two sides to every story. And like everything on the internet, it turns out that there are assholes on both sides of this story. 

GoFundMe -- My name is Alex, but you may know me as Basaraski Productions on YouTube. Or simply just 'Bas'

The Packers are heading to the playoffs, and are going into Philly this next Sunday to take on the #2 Seed Eagles. Things are gloomy right now in Packers fandom, but one this is for certain. I'm still confident and believe in this team.

If you didn't know, I'm born and raised in PA, and actually 1 hour from the Eagles stadium. So I ask of you, the fans… send me to Philly. Send me into the belly of the beast. I've done it multiple times repping the Packers proud, and I am fully ready to do it again.

I've been cursed at, stuff thrown at me, and even my first ever cheesehead ripped off my head and thrown into a fire bin while supporting my team in Philly. But I'm sure as hell not scared to do it again.

First of all, setting up a GoFundMe to get people to buy your tickets to a football game is some all-time grifter shit. If your videos on YouTube were any good, then you'd be able to find a company to pick up the tab for your tickets. So right off the bat, we know this dude sucks at creating content. Which means that he's left with just one option--to essentially just rage bait people into making a scene so he can then capture that on video, edit out everything leading up to the incident, and go viral. It's the lowest form of content, but this fucking loser has it down to a science. 

But if you're going to be a dickless coward who goes into an opposing stadium with the sole intent of getting verbally (and potentially physically) assaulted, the least you could do is not spell out your whole plan on the GoFundMe where you beg people to buy your $135 tickets. "Send me into the belly of the best". "I'm sure as hell not scared to do it again". Sure seems like you were scared to even consider defending your fiance when that dude was ripping her to shreds. 

So that's the thing. The Eagles fan in that video is still an asshole. He's still a bad guy who deserved to get banned from going back to the Linc. This doesn't change any of that. Any well-adjusted human being can get provoked at a sporting event without going on a tirade calling a woman a dumb ugly cunt. This dude clearly wasn't well-adjusted. But at the same time, the Packers fans in this video deserve absolutely zero sympathy whatsoever. They are also gigantic assholes, and the dude is an even bigger asshole for growing up as a Packers fan while living in Pennsylvania. 

At the end of the day, people are assholes. I guess that's the moral of the story here. Now we move on. 
