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Hate To See It: Indiana Lost By 25 As Fans Were Chanting 'Fire Woodson' And Leaving Early Because They Know IU Is A Dead Program

It brings me no joy to say I tried telling Indiana fans not to get excited this year. In fact our beloved White Boy Rick tried calling me crazy for saying they aren't the best team in the Big 10 before the season started. He told me I was crazy for not saying they had the best roster. All I had to simply say was 'Mike Woodson.' I don't care who is on that roster, you're not winning. Not to mention your team does shit like this: 

Hey, at least he fought when the game was completely out of reach! 

Now, as much as the team sucks (got 25-pieced by Iowa last game out), it's more about what the fans are saying: 


Program is dead. The players have quit, fans are quitting at halftime. Hell, they are quitting before the game booing Woodson and yelling for him to get fired. It's not like they had a former manager who is a Division I coach, made a Final Four at a mid-major, waiting to make a jump to a Big 10 school this past season.

Luke Hales. Getty Images.

I know I shouldn't be making fun of Indiana, but they are that annoying neighbor who reminds you of their grandfather building a house with his bare hands. They haven't meant dick since the 80s, outside of a year or two. They sure as hell haven't meant anything in the national landscape of college basketball since 2002. Now you got Woodson skipping postgame interviews? 

Hate to see it.