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The GREENSBORO GARGOYLES are coming to the ECHL in October of 2025. For those who don't know, Biz, Whit, Yands and myself announced today on Spittin' Chiclets that we have partnered with Zawyer Sports to help bring an ECHL team back to Greensboro, North Carolina. We are incredibly grateful and excited to be apart of this ownership group and we can't wait to get started next season.

The logo itself is INCREDIBLE, the color scheme is perfect and the attention to detail is mind blowing. I cannot wait to see what the jerseys look like. 

Some may ask what will we add to the ECHL? Biz has already declared himself the Jerry Jones of the team, so he'll have his hands in everything. Whit is ready to carve refs, and I just want a band in the crowd. We go into depth on what our roles will be with the team and what you guys can expect in the future on today's episode of Spittin' Chiclets - Watch Here

In the meantime check out all things Gargoyles below.